Your personalized pathway to optimum health
An Advanced Holistic Approach to Your Well-being
It’s seems more common these days for us, and the ones we love, to be negatively impacted by inflammation, acne, discomfort, fatigue, hair-loss, headaches, hormones, insomnia, pain, parasites, rashes, stiffness, swelling, weight gain and other afflictions.
At ReVibrancy you will discover how to improve your wellness via self-care with natural foods, supportives and rife frequencies to achieve your optimum vibrancy. The first step is an Initial Assessment to identify the right natural foods, supportives and frequencies so the pathway to your optimum vibrancy is clear.
The ReVibrancy Method we use is based upon Tibetan, Chinese, First Nations, Western and Energy Frequency Medicine principles. Our highly trained practitioners use a Bio-Feedback EAV device based on Dr. Reinhold Voll’s design to create a personalized protocol just for you.
Natural Self-care for…
In your gut, hips, joints, hands, arms, feet and legs.
When you’ve have low “get-up and go” energy.
When you can’t sleep through the night.
In your back, hips, joints, hands, arms, feet and legs.
Learn a bit about our services
Discover how to improve your wellness with natural foods, supportives and experimental rife frequencies via self-care for you, your family and friends so everyone has the potential to be healthier and happier.
Whatever the goals of your group or team, having everyone perform at their best promotes health, wellness and success at work and home.
The BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife Machine is a sound frequency generator that emits experimental sound frequencies that could potentially assist the human body in promoting wellness and optimum vibrancy.
Have a BCX Rife machine but don’t have the Rife Frequency sets you are looking to try out? We might have them. Contact us to learn if we do and any distribution cost you’d need to pay to get them. As you probably know, Rife Frequency Sets are experimental and outcomes vary by person.
Let's co-create menu items and foods that will optimize your Guest's experience and have them, their family and friends experiencing less inflammation or other reactions from what you offer.
Let's co-create new supportives, and improve your existing ones, by optimizing their effectiveness with your Customers so they are healthier and happier.
Learn how various holistic medicine modalities and rife frequency therapy self-care can assist with the health and wellness of you, your family, friends - and for practitioners - your clients.
What our clients are saying
Don not only identified that the pathogens were still present in my body, he showed me how I could use sound therapy to assist with them. Working with my modalities, food nutrition and sound therapy I was able to overcome the pathogens.
- Cindy Gouweloos
Most of my life, I've had asthma problems and in the last year, it accelerated to where I had to use a medical inhaler every four hours. The side effects are terrible, but I couldn't breath without it. After only three weeks of treatment by Don Baker, I'm now asthma free and breathing like a well conditioned athlete…
- Norman B. Ratner
After 10 years of failed therapy and two years of being bedridden, all the while on biologic drugs, we approached Don Baker. He had my husband up and running in no time at all as he understood the root cause and was able to assist the body using engineered, targeted sound with Rife technology.
- Carrie Losch